Hi Year 6!
We still miss you greatly and are keeping up to date with your Mathletics/ Read Theory etc. We hope that you had a lovely Easter and are looking after all your family members at home.
Dear Parents and Carers
Here are some suggestions from your child’s teacher of activities to help you keep your children occupied during the day. Please remember that they are indeed only suggestions and we do not want you to feel pressured in any way to turn your home into a home school. Do what works for you and your family and let us worry about getting your children quickly back up to speed when everything returns to normal. If you do only one thing, it would be best to keep your child reading. Reading to them, listening to them read and talking about what’s been read will be hugely beneficial. Beyond that, do what is easy, stress free and comfortable for you and your family.
We had been studying Brave Irene before the Easter and writing our own overcoming obstacle narratives. Now you could look at a different text type: A biography. A biography tells you facts about a person’s life (usually a famous person).
You could:
• Highlight the layout features used by the writers that you can see are important to biographies e.g. sub-headings/sections. Highlight the grammatical techniques e.g relative clauses: Usain Bolt, who is a famous athlete.
• Choose a person who you are interested in the life of to research online. Find out the key information about them such as their birth date, personal life and decide what your sections will be for writing a biography on them.
• Write a biography for your chosen person in the same style as the ones you have looked at in your yellow book. Maybe create a plan before you write to make sure you’re clear about how you want to lay it all out AND decide how you could publish it- record it as a video?
If you want to practise:
They are on Readiwriter to practise and you could get someone at home to test you on Friday
We encourage you to read every day for 20 minutes to an adult at home.
• You could log onto your Read theory (
www.readtheory.org) and continue working on your levels. It’s a brilliant way to access comprehension.
• In the absence of reading books, you could access books similar to the ones you bring home
- Light
You could:
• Work out which things in your house are sources of light. A source of light is anything that makes light, whether natural and artificial. Natural light sources include the Sun and stars. Artificial light sources include lamp posts and televisions. Many objects simply reflect light from a light source. Organise the light in your house into Natural Light, Man-made light and Not a light source.
You could:
• Log on to
and complete the activities set. Those of you who have finished them all we’ve reset you new ones.
• Use a mug (it holds usually 350ml of liquid) see if you can estimate the volume of different containers in your house and then check if you’re right by using a mug to measure. See if you can remember how to convert between ml and L(hint: 1 L=1000ml).
• Alongside the usual maths activities we gave set you, White Rose have created online lessons for home learning.
There is year 6 work on there but other year groups too if year 6 is a bit tricky without a teacher to help out. Each lesson has a video and an activity and there are currently 2 weeks worth of activities to have a go at (parents, the answers are there too so you can go through their work when their done or go through the activity together then check the answers together too).