Year 5 School Trip to Backswood Farm. On Wednesday and Thursday of last week, the year 5 classes went on a trip to Backswood Farm near Bickleigh. With only a few occasional showers, the children had a brilliant time exploring the farm.
They walked around the nature gardens, learning about: bees, vegetables which we can grow, bug hotels, how the lifecycle of plants works, looking in the ponds, finding out about the crops grown on UK farms. They also explored the woodland areas and someone even found a lizard! The children loved getting close to the sheep and cows too!
In the words of Jessie, Year 5, "I loved looking at the sheep because we managed to get really close to them. I also liked sitting on hay bales and looking at the difference between hay and straw.” #schoolvisit #education #primaryschool #exeterlife #devonlife