Booking & Payment Information
Breakfast Club: 7:45am-8:40am
Wynstream Pupils: £2:50
After School Club: 3:10pm-4:30pm:
Wynstream Pupils: £5.00
Siblings: £4.00
After School Club 3:10pm- 5:45pm
Wynstream Pupils: £8.00
Siblings: £7.00
Late child collection fee: After 5:45pm £10
The Procedure for booking a place is as follows:
At least one week's notice should be given, on a completed booking form.
- Payment must be made in advance, at time of booking.
- Sessions will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis.
- Children will not be permitted into Breakfast Club or After School Club if you have not booked AND paid for the session in advance.
- Please pay by cash, cheque (payable to Education South West) or online.
- Payment should be made in a clearly labelled and sealed envelope.
- Payment should not be combined with any other payment to the school (eg. school trips, lunches etc).
- In an emergency, if you wish to make a last-minute booking, we will endeavour to accommodate you, however we cannot guarantee a place if full.
- If you have to cancel a booking due to illness, we will carry the payment over to another session. Cancelations for other reasons require 48 hours’ notice for payment to be carried over.
- There is a £10 fee for late collection of your child (after 4:30 or 5:45 whichever session you have booked and paid for).
If you would like to enrol your child please ask at the office.