Here are this week’s suggested activities for you to complete if and when you are able to. Please remember that these are only suggestions and not all activities need to be completed. Make sure you do what is best for you and your home situation.
We continue to encourage you to read every day for 20 minutes to an adult at home.
• In the absence of reading books, a fantastic website to access books similar to the ones you bring home can be found at
• Find the definitions of words that are unfamiliar- you could use a dictionary or a google search.
Here is a series of short animations from The Literacy Shed for you to watch:
This week you could:
• Choose your favourite planet and write a short story using descriptive language to describe the characters and/or settings.
Use expanded noun phrases for your descriptions:
Example: Sat at the crocked desk, the slimy, green, big-eyed alien
unhappily typed on its computer.
Use fronted adverbials across your writing to help it flow (build cohesion):
Example: Falling from the sky,
the one-eyed, pink, square-shaped alien screamed with joy.
• Write a fact file about another two planets of your choice including its name, position in the solar system and any other interesting facts. This can be presented in any way you choose.
We use the National Curriculum spelling lists to set spellings for practice. Every child received a set of spellings that are suitable for them (Groups 1 -3, see below), you could:
• Practice 10 spellings from the list and test your child on these.
• Write the definitions of any words in your child’s spelling list.
• Log into Readiwriter on a regular basis, practising different spelling rules (accessed through Mathletics).
• Play word games, complete word searches, cross words
If would be great if you could:
• Practice your times tables every day. These can be practised by writing them by hand, or by using Times Table Rockstars.
(log in codes are in your child’s home learning folder and spelling books)
Other ideas that could keep you busy
• Art – Order of the planets from the sun poster
Remember these are only suggested activities for you to complete, there is no pressure for you to do them all. Continue to have fun, stay safe, be kind and help around the house!
Mr Baldwin, Miss Sandoe and the rest of the Year 5 team.