Dear Parents and Carers
Here are some suggestions from your child’s teacher of activities to help you keep your children occupied during the day. Please remember that they are indeed only suggestions and we do not want you to feel pressured in any way to turn your home into a home school. Do what works for you and your family and let us worry about getting your children quickly back up to speed when everything returns to normal. If you do only one thing, it would be best to keep your child reading. Reading to them, listening to them read and talking about what’s been read will be hugely beneficial. Beyond that, do what is easy, stress free and comfortable for you and your family.
We encourage you to read every day for 20 minutes to an adult at home.
• Take time to share a book together (you can read/ listen to an audiobook or watch a story online together). Amazon have many free audiobooks that can be accessed through
• In the absence of reading books, you could access books similar to the ones you bring home
• Find the definitions of words that are unfamiliar- you could use a dictionary or a google search.
We are combining our Science work with our English. This week you could::
• Write a fact file about 2 planets of your choice, including its name, position in the solar system and any other interesting facts. This can be presented in any way you choose.
• Write sentences using adjectives and expanded noun phrases to describe the planets.
• Use relative clauses (who, which, whose, that, where) to create sentences and phrases to describe the planets. Eg. Saturn, which has a ring around it, is the sixth planet from the sun.
We use the National Curriculum spelling lists to set spellings for practice. Every child received a set of spellings that are suitable for them. If you have your spelling list , you could:
• use the spelling lists included in your home learning packs to practice the words and write them in sentences.
• Write the definitions of any words in your child’s spelling list.
• Play word games, complete word searches, cross words
We will continue learning about numbers so you could:
• Practice your times tables every day. These can be practised by writing them by hand, or by using Times Table Rockstars.
(log in codes are in your child’s home learning folder and spelling books)
• Find ways to make a particular number – challenge your adult to do the same.
To have fun with the adults around you.
• Must
- To have fun, play games, build dens, be active but stay safe
• Could
– Build, construct, paint, cook, draw something of your choice
• Could
– Learn a new skill
Remember to help around the house, it might be boring for you but your mums, dads, nans and grandads will appreciate anything you do! Use those brilliant manners we know you have. Stay safe, be sensible and remember to smile and make memories.
Miss Sandoe and Mr Baldwin and the rest of the Year 5 team.