Dear Parents and Carers
Here are some suggestions from your child’s teacher of activities to help you keep your children occupied during the day. Please remember that they are indeed only suggestions and we do not want you to feel pressured in any way to turn your home into a home school. Do what works for you and your family and let us worry about getting your children quickly back up to speed when everything returns to normal. If you do only one thing, it would be best to keep your child reading. Reading to them, listening to them read and talking about what’s been read will be hugely beneficial. Beyond that, do what is easy, stress free and comfortable for you and your family.
We encourage you to read every day for 20 minutes to an adult at home.
• Take time to share a book together (you can read/ listen to an audiobook or watch a story online together). Amazon have many free audiobooks that can be accessed through
• Find the definitions of words that are unfamiliar- you could use a dictionary or a google search.
It would be great if you could (as often as possible) use these websites to keep your maths skills sharp
(and we’ve snuck in a bit of writing)
Spring is well and truly underway and we have been very lucky to have such amazing sunshine! It is the perfect time of year to look at all of the different kinds of plants around us!
• Make a fact file including all of the things you have discovered about plants:
• What do plants need to grow and how do we keep them healthy?
• Why are plants important?
• Which different plants grow near to where you live?
• Study some of the different plants around your house/ garden/ on your daily walk around where you live. You could take photos, draw diagrams with labels, sketch them. You might be able to help your grown ups plant some seeds and watch them grow- take lots of photographs!
You could turn your pressed flowers into a card to send to someone to cheer them up!
• Write or storymap a set of instructions for somebody that would like to know how to press flowers! You can use lots of the adverbials of time we have looked at in class (First, Next, After that, The next day, Five days later) and some adverbials that tell you how to do something (carefully, quickly, patiently)!
For fun and fitness