We hope you’re all staying safe and well at home. We hope you have found your home learning packs useful. As we can’t be in class, we’d like you to choose as few or as many of this week’s activities to enjoy learning at home and as we wanted to take the pressure off the adults at home as much as possible, so we’ve labelled our activities with
should and
could to help. The
‘shoulds’ are the ones we think are a bit more important.
We are going to be finishing off our learning about fairy tales, with a specific focus on ‘The Three Little Pigs’. Your child’s tasks this week are:
• Could
– Think about what you saw in the video – can you draw a story map about the story and the order it happened? What did the pigs use to build the houses? What did the Big Bad Wolf do to each one? How did the story end?
• Should
– Using what you have learned from the videos and any further understanding of the story; have a go at innovating
(changing) the characters to make the story your own. For example: Three Little Pigs may become Three Fluffy Sheep OR
The Big Bad Wolf may become the Huge Scary Fox.
• Could
– Can you make a story map for your story using pictures and actions to act it out?
• Should
– Once you have innovated
your story, have a go at writing the whole story out neatly using your new characters. Don’t forget to use capital letters, full stops, finger spaces and the soundmat provided to spell accurately.
• Could
- Once you have finished your story, can you draw each character and their houses and describe them, using adjectives. For example: The small, fluffy sheep. The strong, brick house.
Mr Panter and Mr Ellis are excited to hear them all when we are all back!
We use the National Curriculum year 1 and 2 spelling list for children to practice. Your child’s tasks this week are to:
• Should
– Use the sets included in the pack, or of course the children’s spelling books (which have the most up to date spellings in) to practice spelling the words
• Could
– Can you use the spellings you have practiced in a sentence?
We are going to be learning about multiplication and division in Maths. We can use multiplication and division to make groups, to share and to make doubles. Your child’s tasks for this week are to:
• Should
– Complete mathletics (children have logins in packs) tasks which have been set on multiplication and division
• Could– Take the test at the end to assess understanding
In science we have been looking at everyday materials such as: wood, metal, plastic, glass and fabric. You should have found a booklet about this topic within your home-learning packs. Your child’s learning tasks this week are:
• Should
– Complete the everyday materials booklet including the final assessment, to round off our learning on this topic.
• Could
– Conduct an experiment regarding each of the everyday materials and how they react in water (i.e. weather the float/sink AND how waterproof they are. For example: make predictions about the materials reaction to water and compare to the actual outcome.
In Geography we are going to be exploring the country of Egypt, looking at what is there, where it is on a map and comparing the weather in Egypt to here, in England. Your child’s learning tasks this week are:
Should– Have a look at a map, or use google earth. Where is Egypt on the map? What continent is it in? What other countries are near Egypt? Make a fact page in your books.
Could– Research the weather in Egypt and compare it to the UK. What is different? Is it hot all the time? Does it rain? How hot can it get? Why does it get hot?
As we are learning about fairy tales, in Art, we will be looking at and drawing some of the characters or settings from our favourite fairy tale. Your child’s task this week is to:
• Should
– Pick their favourite fairy tale character and create a piece of art around them. This can be a drawing, painting, collage, sculpture etc.
• Could
– Create a fictional setting for this character e.g. Little Red Riding Hood – The deep, dark forest.