Dear Parents/Carers,
We are writing to let you know that we are all missing the pupils and we are hoping that everyone is staying safe during these difficult times.
Communication with parents/pupils
From this week teachers will be phoning pupils fortnightly to speak to them and stay in touch. These calls are about maintaining a relationship between your child and their teacher.
In addition, the Inclusion Team will also be making more regular phone calls to pupils who have additional needs. These calls are intended to be helpful, friendly and constructive during these difficult times. The phone calls between the teacher and inclusion team may overlap as everyone is working from home and our systems may not be updated in real time. Please rest assured that we have your best interests at heart when contacting you.
BBC Bitesize
From Monday 20th the BBC bitesize becomes fully operational providing daily lessons offering a tailored learning experience from Year 1.
DOJO system
You will soon start to receive an invitation email from the DOJO system to allow you to log into your child’s account. This will also allow communication between your child and their teacher. If your email address has changed recently please email to to update our records and get you in touch with your child’s teacher.
Pupil Reports
Whilst this has been an unusual school year we are going to send a simplified report to parents on Thursday 21st May 2020. Again, if your email address is incorrect please let us know or provide us with other email addresses you would like the report to be sent to.
Change in term dates 2020/2021.
The governors have agreed to change the term dates for the next academic year so that some of the non-pupil days fall in line with those of Isca Academy. This is to minimise disruption to families who have pupils in both schools.
Next academic year the non-pupil days are:
Thursday 3rd September 2020
Friday 4th September 2020
Monday 2nd November 2020
Tuesday 3rd November 2020
Wednesday 4th November 2020.
Please note these dates in your diaries. Full Term Dates can be found on the website.
Looking forward to seeing you all again.
Mrs G Brown