Teaching School Alliance

Exeter Consortium and Teaching School Alliance

The federation schools are active partners in the Exeter Consortium and Teaching School Alliance. Designated by the Department of Education, we collaborate in training new teachers, providing a wide variety of training for school based staff as well as Supply agency for teaching and support staff. 


Our staff can access a wide variety of training from Exeter Consortium and Teaching School Alliance, a large amount of this training is free or at very little cost. To provide even greater opportunities, we have entered into a formal relationship with other South West Teaching Schools. This gives our staff access to course contributors form over 180 schools and a choice of where and how to access trainman pertinent to them.

To look at the training available follow this link https://www.teachingschools-sw.org.uk


In addition to the courses via the teaching schools, we have access to EDUCARE, an online training portal that allows staff to access a wide variety of longer, online courses. Courses such as Safeguarding, Safer recruitment, Food hygiene etc are available free. To find out more about the courses on offer follow this link https://www.educare.co.uk/general-education. Staff wishing to access this trainman need to contact the Head for the appropriate log in information.

Trying To Teach

If you are thinking about becoming a teacher, please follow this link to find out about our training programme

Exeter Consortium and Teaching School Alliance

Find out about more about the alliance here https://www.exeterconsortium.com
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