There are two Reception classes in our Early Years Foundation Stage. Ladybird Class is taught by Ms Sarah Vickery and Butterfly Class is taught by Mrs Carol Willis.
Each class has its own carpet base, but the rest of the learning environment is shared. The children stay in their class groups for teaching inputs (phonics, literacy, maths, story time) and then the classes mix for the rest of the time. So, if your child is not in the same class as their friend from Nursery or pre-school setting, it will be okay as there will be lots of opportunities to play together.
There are additional teaching assistants who support the children and also stay with them at lunchtimes.
The first day of term is Tuesday 7th September 2021.
Gates will open at 8:30am. The gate to Ladybird and Butterfly Classes is to the right of the main school entrance.
You will be able to take your child into their classroom and help find their coat peg. You can settle them on their class carpet before saying goodbye. Our staff team will be available to talk with if you need to let us know anything. Please bring a waterproof coat with a hood, PE kit and school book bag.
Children do not need to bring a snack or a drinks bottle. We provide a morning and afternoon snack every day. There is always water or milk available to drink throughout the day.
Pick up is from your child's classroom door at 3:10 pm. You will be able to speak with your child’s class teacher at this time. If you need somebody else to collect your child you can let us know by adding their name to the admission form, or call the school office so admin staff can inform your child's class teacher. Only adults named by you are permitted to collect your child.
8:30 - 8:40am | Come into school, hang up your coat and settle on carpet | |
8:40 - 9:00am | Register and Wake Up Shake Up | |
9:00 – 9:30am | Phonics whole class input | |
9:30 – 10:30am | Group learning and continuous provision | |
10:15 – 10:30am | Snack time – milk/water and fruit | |
10:30 - 10:45am | Maths whole class input | |
10:45 - 11:30am | Group learning and continuous provision | |
11:30 – 11:45am | PSED whole class input | |
11:45am – 12:45pm | Lunchtime and time to play in big playground | |
1:00 - 1:20pm | Literacy whole class input | |
1:20 - 2:30pm | Group learning and continuous provision | |
2:30 – 3:00pm | Story time | |
3:00 – 3:10pm | Get ready for home routine. |
Children have PE once a week in the hall or outdoors. Currently, children come to school wearing their PE kit on the days they have PE lesson. We will let you know when their PE lesson is when they start.
Uniform WILL get dirty so please be warned we are a messy, hands on, creative and active EYFS!
Please write your child’s name on all of their uniform. Using a Sharpie pen is the best method.
Children have a daily mathematics input with follow up group work and maths themed activities in the learning environment.
We encourage questioning such as….
How long…?
How many…?
How much…?
At home your child can:
When Shopping your child can:
When out for a walk or in the car your child can:
Playing simple games and puzzles:
There are many games that can improve your child’s observational and matching skills. Try playing simple card and board games such as:
Dominoes Happy Families Snakes and Ladders Snap
Illness - If your child is unwell please call or email the school office on either 01392 284990 or Our school office is open from 8am - 4pm
Contact details - Please update details ASAP if you change mobile number/email address etc.
Lateness - The register is taken at 8.40am each morning and this is digitally sent to the office. Please sign your child in at the office after 8.40am as the EYFS classroom doors will be closed.
Prescribed medicines / allergies - please inform your child’s class teacher if your child has a known medical condition or allergy so that all of the EYFS team can be notified. Prescribed medicines must be handed in to the school office staff.
Toys - We encourage children not to bring in toys from home as they can end up being lost or damaged.
Admission forms – These forms need to be completed before your child starts school with us.
We will also provide you with information regarding Holidays and Absence, the school’s Privacy Notice and Term Dates.
If you would like to know anything else, please contact Sarah Vickery (EYFS Lead Teacher) via email.
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