Ladybird and Butterfly Families.
Here are top tips for helping your EYFS child learn
love to read -
* Read for 10 minutes every day and try to set it as part of a routine - before bed, after tea or as soon as you get home from school.
*Read a mix of school books, picture books, magazines and comics.
*Be really excited about reading yourself.
*Read with lots of expression in your voice, do the voices for the characters!
*If your child is fidgety, give them something to fiddle with like blue tac.
*Point to the pictures and talk about them before you read the words.
*Read favourite books over and over again. This really helps develop your child' vocabulary.
*Encourage children to turn the pages as you read so they learn how books work.
*Read a variety of rhyming and non rhyming books.
*Share books without words and make up stories.
*Store books in different places so there are lots of places for your child to choose to read.
*Listen to story CDs or CBeebies radio in the car.
*Read books about favourite TV and film characters.
*If you can, come along to EYFS Friday reading mornings and please take books from our free book box.
Thank you and have fun!